Hybrid U-DF-B – Wireless microphone testing.
Not the most expensive kit out there but not the worst in looks and feel. We needed a cordless microphone set for a school sports event and we were having problems with our older wireless kit. Management was tempted to purchase a set that used lithium-ion battery packs but decided against it.
The U-DF-B kit uses normal AA penlight batteries or AA NiCAD penlight rechargeables.
The reasoning was that when you are mobile and in the field your first point of failure would be microphone batteries and the charger itself when running rechargeable mics. With AA penlights it’s as simple as going to the nearest cafe, pharmacy or petrol station and you will be able to source a set of batteries.
Nevertheless, we are going to test this kit and inform you of our findings.
Tested the Hybrid U-DF-B wireless microphone. – Audxtreme™
[…] per our previous post on the Hybrid U-DF-B and as promised we have tested the build quality and audio output and the range of the Hybrid […]